Counselor's Corner


How can a student achieve academic success?

In some ways this is as individual and complex as the 455 students currently enrolled here at Mount Vernon High School.

However, in many ways it is very simple. 

If a student will consciously strive to do the following, he or she will get the most out of their education, improving their grades and learning the skills and information needed for their future.


Come to School.  


Yes, just come.  There are many reasons why a student may HAVE to miss school.  

Health concerns and family emergencies are two of the most common.  

Each and every day, however, students and parents make a choice. Whenever it is at all possible, "come to school!" 


Complete assignments and turn them in on time


I frequently look at the grade books of students how are struggling academically.  By far the common denominator is "missing work".  When I talk with teachers, the number one concern is incomplete, missing or late work.

At the very least, this results in lower points and lower grades.  In addition it is very difficult for teachers to know how much their students are learning, where they are confused, or why they are doing poorly on tests if they do not see enough of the students' work.


Ask questions.


Students often hesitate asking questions.  Perhaps they fear that other students will look down on them.  Maybe they wonder what the teacher will think.  Believe me, the teacher wants and needs questions.  They need to know exactly what information needs repetition and clarification.  

They also want to know that students care enough about learning to ask.  Besides, all the other students will be grateful because many of them will have had the same question.


Arrange for tutoring if needed.


Teachers will be available either before or after school for tutoring.  Students can make arrangements with a teacher for this extra help.

In addition students can receive tutoring during the daily EXCEL time from 10:41-11:12.  Usually it is our very best students who ask for this extra help.  

Try it.

(417) 316-7080
(417) 466-4307